Programme areas

The main purpose of the NCE is to support its Members to achieve the Aspirational Objectives, to fill gaps, and to promote sound environmental management in Namibia. The NCE does not compete with its Members, neither in the area of project implementation nor in the area of fund raising. In this context, the NCE wishes to respond to the collective requirements of its Members, both in how best it could provide support to the Membership, and also how the NCE and its collective Membership should prioritise work to enhance conservation and sustainable development in Namibia.

The Objectives are implemented through eight strategic programme areas.

Programme Area: Advocacy

Engage with government on policy and legislative issues, development priorities and budget allocations as well as issues of mutual importance to NCE Members and government.

This programme area engages with governments and other authorities on policy and legislative issues, and aspects of concern for Namibia’s environment and sustainable development.

The NCE issued several Statements and Open Letters, including the following:

  • The proposal to capture marine animals for the Asian aquarium trade
  • Marine phosphate mining
  • Wildlife and environmental crimes by some Chinese nationals
  • Pilchard quota
  • Hunting and Tourism
  • A letter was also sent to the Minister of Fisheries congratulating him on his actions with respect to inland fisheries, i.e. banning monofilament nets, a closed season on the Zambezi & Chobe rivers and the proclamation of the second community fish reserve.

The NCE is also working with MET on environmental legislation, e.g. EMA and Parks & Wildlife Bill.

See NCE statements and interviews